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Approved Mandatory California Infection Control class

Approved Mandatory California Infection Control class

You will receive 2 CEs for completion of this class. CE certificate of completion will be emailed to you within 24 hours of quiz submission. 


Course Objectives: 
1. To understand CDC infection control recommendations
2. To understand the importance of PPE and infection control procedures
3. To prepare you to evaluate procedures in your office and to 
4. Implement proper changes

About the Speaker: 
Angela Study is a dental hygienist with a passion for education. She is the owner/educator of Midwest OSHA & Education and has provided continuing education around the entire United States. Angela is a member of the ADHA, the IDHA (Indiana Dental Hygiene Association) as well as her local component. Angela has her Dental Infection Prevention and Control Certificate and is a member of OSAP. Angela has 21 years of clinical experience in private practice and is currently completing her master's degree. 

  • Quiz

    Upon completion of the class, you will need to complete this quiz. Once the quiz is submitted, you will receive the CE certificate of completion within 24 hours. 



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